S4E. It is the solution
for your company.

We offer a portfolio based on our own technology and in-company training. Inspired by the principles of indústria 4.0,

Also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0 refers to advanced technological solutions, which may involve artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet of things and cloud computing, creating new forms of production and business models.

our solutions combine efficiency and technical excellence.
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S4E Tech Differentials

Easy-to-implement and operate systems

Sturdy equipment with a long useful life

Quality assurance with Safety Certification

Compatibility with machines from any brand/manufacturer


Keep people away from danger: control equipment remotely as if you were on site. Ideal solution for guaranteeing the physical integrity and safety of teams in risky areas or situations.


Our collision avoidance systems prevent team accidents and protect your property from damage. Designed to operate under severe conditions, in indoor or outdoor environments, they can be installed in vehicles and equipment from any manufacturer.


We are ready to create customized solutions according to your company’s needs and challenges. At S4E, we develop customized, modular and scaled turn-key solutions for mobile automation, retrofit projects or process optimization, among other objectives.